Lots of families camp every summer, but with my minivan as our only transportation, I didn’t know how we could all sleep in the van or have a fun time in such a small space. That’s when I found the sportz minivan tent. It was just the perfect tent for me and my three kids to have a fun camping weekend with just the right equipment. The sportz minivan tent saved our family camping weekend. It was so convenient and easy to use. All of our gear including the camp stove, ice chest and sleeping bags were right there in the van and when it came time for lights out, the van overhead was easy to reach.
Our sportz minvan tent came with a screened porch attached to the main tent so we could all hang out and relax in a gnat free environment. What a pleasure that was for us. The sportz minivan tent couldn’t have been a better fit for my family and me. You can imagine how much easier it was to find clothing, flashlights, towels and clean socks having the sportz minivan tent attached right to the door of the van. No unloading and reloading gear time after time.
The Sportz minivan tent was the answer to our camping needs and more. I would never camp with an old fashioned tent again. This was a great solution and what a wonderful time I had with my family all because of this great new tent available online at www.onlinetrucktents.com This company even guarantees all its products, so I felt secure ordering online. It was a simple solution for a magical outing with my kids. The sportz minivan tent will get used as often as we can make plans to get away and well worth the small investment.