Campers who are looking for a stove will be likely to find a Stansport stove that meets their needs. These stoves can be purchased with one, two, three or four burners. A mini butane stove that only weighs eight ounces is also available. This stove comes with a carry bag. All stoves use butane or propane for fuel. Most of the stoves come with two burners and use butane fuel.
A Stansport stove with one burner can be purchased with different features. One of the models comes with a carry case. Another type of one burner stove has wind baffles.
Campers can buy a deluxe Stansport stove with two burners. These stoves have drip pans and Piezo igniters. They are 18” long and have a heavy duty rack for pots or pans. They come in black, green, red, blue, orange or yellow. The Outfitter Series stove is another two burner model. Each burner has its own windscreen. These have Piezo electronic ignition and high altitude pressure regulators. One of the two burner models comes with a separate lantern. The two burners in the “Tuff” stove model can be removed for cleaning.
The Stansport stove with triple burners is made out of cast iron. The “Tuff” stove with four burners has two 18” by 12” surfaces that can be used for cooking in large pots.
Taking a Stansport stove along on a camping trip will provide campers with a convenient way to cook their food.